Wednesday, April 4, 2018

London, Here I Come!

I just received the results from your January 9, 2018 WSET Diploma Unit 3 exam. Congratulations, you passed the exam.

If you can't already guess by the title of this post, I passed the final exam I needed in order to secure the WSET Diploma sommelier certification! I just got news yesterday and have been basking in the glow since then!

Not much else say except that I am still in a bit of shock, yet a huge wave of relief has passed over me. This two and a half year journey through the Diploma certification has been an arduous one, but I am SO glad that I challenged myself to this level.

What's next? Who the heck knows. I have many possibilities in front of me and am in a great place at the moment. I am wildly happy, working for myself, and have many friends and family alongside me for the ride!

More to come! Cheers.

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