Monday, December 2, 2019

O. Vine: The Wine Alternative

Disclaimer: these beverages were received as samples

Wine plays an important part of my life. Personally, I love wine and professionally I find myself around wine regularly. Believe it or not, I don’t drink a lot of wine. I do taste a lot of wine. But in a regular week, I might only drink a glass or two, and it’s not uncommon for me to go wine-free for an entire week. As I get older I certainly find that those around me are drinking less and for good reasons: they’re pregnant, doing a cleanse, or on the Whole30 train. I also have sober people in my life, those in recovery, and people who, in general, just don’t like to drink.

There have been some recent studies that seem to reinforce what I’m seeing in my own life. I recently read THIS article on The Guardian about how alcohol consumption by millenials is on the decline.  Similarly, I can’t seem to pick up a wine trade mag without seeing an article about the low/no alcohol trend. And more frequently in restaurants, I’m seeing non-alcoholic mixology drinks on the cocktail list. 

As a host in my personal life and as an event producer by trade, I frequently am tasked to come up with non-alcoholic alternatives to serve guests. There’s the requisite still and sparkling water (which isn’t too exciting). You can layer in soda or juice, but being that I am in LA, people tend to shun sugar. Let’s face it, the non-alcoholic drink segment is quite boring.

When I got an email from a wine PR firm to sample a non-alcoholic beverage, I was intrigued! The product is O. Vine Wine Essence Water. Their patent pending sustainable production method upcycles grape skins and seeds (from Galil Mountain Winery in Israel) used in winemaking and captures their taste, aroma, color, and antioxidants. The result is alcohol-free O.Vine, a wine grape infused water that is light, dry, crisp, and low calorie. I count three LA-friendly descriptors in that sentence: sustainable, upcycle, and antioxidant! I enthusiastically requested samples.

Fast forward. The samples have arrived, and I have to say, this might be the most exciting non-alcoholic beverage since millennials discovered La Croix! 

I was sent both their white and red wine essence water. And both the white and red have a “still” and “gently sparkling” option. I have to say that they are simply delicious! So much so, that I am producing an event next month and will prominently feature O.Vine as a non-alcoholic alternative for our guests.

O. Vine Red Wine Essence Water (Still & Gently Sparkling)
Featuring Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, and Petit Verdot wine grapes.

O. Vine White Wine Essence Water (Still & Gently Sparkling) 
Featuring Sauvignon Blanc, Gewürztraminer, and Chardonnay wine grapes.

O.Vine is a great non-alcoholic holiday drink option. For your friends who don’t want to over-imbibe, this is a great alternative. They can enjoy this drink, have something more exciting than water, and people might not even know they aren’t drinking! A perfect replacement for Martinelli’s on NYE!

O.Vine comes in 12.2 oz bottles (350mL) and with a suggested retail price is $4.99 per bottle. It can be found online at Amazon and Macy’s. Also, in-store at Neiman Marcus (NYC location only) and at WorldMarket locations across the country.

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