Wednesday, May 25, 2016

I'm Back!

It goes without saying that there is not enough wine in my life! Being a wine blogger and a somm student, people think that I swim in wine, and that is not the case.  As you may have noticed, I took an unplanned sabbatical from my SOMMspirations duties.  Life called, and it called loud and clear.  As it turns out, I had many responsibilities happen all at once and they needed my attention.  This included a large 600-person gala that I planned, a wine exam, a wine research paper, and moving my home!  It was a lot to handle in a short window of time, and some of my commitments had to take a backseat.  This included working out, cooking, and this blog.

I can report that it was a tough couple of months.  I was not on my usual regimented schedule, and a bit of my sanity suffered.  I am a creature of habit, I like writing "to do" lists and crossing things off methodically. Coming home from work and cooking a meal from scratch for myself and my husband and serving it with some great wine is a delight.  Laying in bed reading a great book before falling asleep is my idea of a good night.   All this was paused.  I think I had a glass of wine for pleasure once (maybe twice) in that time period.  It was a dark time (I'm only semi-kidding here), and I am starting to see the light.

My event was a splashing success, another exam is done, research paper is turned in, and we're about 85% unpacked in our new place.  My days are starting to smooth out quite a bit and I LOVE it.  Last night I went home and make a pizza with dill creme fraiche and smoked salmon (a la Wolfgang Puck).  It was delicious!

Stay tuned later this week for an update on my studies and where I stand in the Diploma syllabus. Believe it or not, I am just about halfway done!

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